What Is an Integrated Digital Marketing Campaign? – Making Marketing Work For You

An integrated digital marketing campaign is the key to a strong online presence

The marketing world has changed a great deal from the days when one-off marketing techniques could provide a strong return on investment (ROI). Today, consumers engage with many different types of interconnected media. To create a thriving online presence and convert website visitors into customers, you need to combine various digital strategies to develop an all-encompassing online experience. The bottom line is you need to develop an integrated digital marketing campaign.

The Mabbly team realizes it can be hard to understand the value of integrated digital marketing without knowing what it means. We’ve developed a two-part blog series to help shed some light on this important marketing topic. First, we’ll explain what integrated digital marketing is, how it can help you connect with your core audience and how to select a marketing agency to help your company. We’ll then dive into the elements of a successful integrated digital marketing campaign in the next blog.

The basics of an integrated digital marketing campaign

So, this brings us to the big question. What is an integrated digital marketing campaign? The name gives away some clues to help answer the question. At its core, integrated digital marketing involves incorporating multiple marketing strategies and channels. The result is cohesive online marketing for your business.

Because integrated marketing deals with multiple channels and strategies, it’s important to know which ones are critical components. Typically, an integrated digital marketing strategy will include the following aspects:

Marketing agencies incorporate all these marketing components for a good reason. When a business uses these tools individually, it doesn’t usually have a big impact or result in a solid ROI. However, putting all the pieces together as part of a well-rounded integrated digital marketing campaign results in a stronger online presence. It also provides better ROI and online visibility.

Diving deeper into elements of an integrated digital marketing campaign

Each piece of your integrated digital marketing campaign plays a valuable role. You can think of the campaign as a baseball team. Each player is important, but no single one can win the World Series. Here’s how all these components of integrated digital marketing work together to create wins for a business.

  • Organic web content matters. It all starts with SEO-friendly web content. These webpages and blogs contain valuable keywords that allow your content to rank high in Google search results. It’s one of the easiest ways for new customers to find you. However, web content needs to do more than contain keywords. It also should be high-quality, easy-to-read and informative content that answers your customers’ questions and inspires them to connect with you.
  • Let PPC ads work for you. SEO content once did most of the heavy lifting for digital marketing. However, paid advertising like PPC ads are playing a much bigger role. Having these types of ads provides excellent ROI. Why? You’re targeting people when they’re further along in the decision-making process. To decrease the cost of running PPC ads, you’ll want to make sure you have high-quality organic web content. The higher your quality score, the lower each PPC ad click will cost.
  • Incorporate social media. Using social media platforms like Facebook is a great way to reach out to potential customers in a casual space. Think of how many people use social media every day. It’s a huge number, right? Social media marketing allows you to get in front of this enormous audience. The key is creating high-quality social media posts and incorporating some sponsored posts to extend your reach even further. 

How to find a marketing agency to help with integrated digital marketing

Clearly, developing an integrated digital marketing campaign is a legitimate and valuable service that a marketing agency can provide. However, don’t let an agency’s ability to create such a campaign be your only deciding factor when deciding which marketing agency to work with. You and your team will want to think about several different factors, but here are two of the most important ones:


  • Think about what an agency brings to the table. This inquiry should involve thinking about a marketing agency’s resources, client base and track record of success.
  • Determine whether you like working with the agency. You’ll be in contact with the team at the marketing agency you select, so you want to make sure you can envision having a good working relationship with the group.

Find the right partner for integrated digital marketing

Without the right expertise, it can be difficult to create an effective digital campaign. However, you don’t have to do it alone. The team at Mabbly understands how to use digital marketing to improve your business’ visibility and growth. We also have experience with every step of creating an integrated digital marketing campaign. Contact us to learn how we can help with everything from developing the digital strategy, to writing the marketing communications